Our story

The Innovation Generation Program (formerly The Generational Ambassadors Program), is an initiative by the Richardson’s Center for Global Engagement, designed to promote a regional framework for empowering emerging leaders from the Middle East, with focusing on Egypt, Israel, and Turkey. As demonstrated in all three countries, a generation of young citizens shares a desire for freedom and self-expression, coupled with a demand for a political and social condition that would ensure economic prosperity and hope for the future. Inspired by the events of the Israel social justice protest, and of the January 25 Revolution in Egypt, the program was conceived and incubated at the Richardson Center during 2012.

At the heart of the program is the notion that young people today are part of a global generation, as much as they are part of a country, religion, or political affiliation. The program hosts annual/biannual conferences with participants from all three countries, which are organized around different themes.

#GENAMB2013 - The first Generational Ambassadors Conference was held in March 2013 at the Aspen Wye River Conference Center in Maryland, and featured political and business leaders.

#GENAMB2015 - The second Generational Ambassadors Conference was held in Boston, Massachusetts in November 2015 and focused on Social Enterprise as a Bridge for Regional Development and Cooperation.

#INNOVATIONGEN2017 – our third conference will be held in Boston, Massachusetts in November 2017, will train social entrepreneurs and innovators to a strive for broader impact, venture sustainability, and global peer collaboration.